🇿🇲Warning: This flag does not yet meet the criteria for this project, and will be redrawn. See the list of incomplete flags.
This colour palette is unique to Zambia.
Compare the differences between this flag and the source artwork. White indicates similarity, while black shows where the flags differ. When the proportions differ, the flag can be resized and aligned in different ways. The score is computed from the average weighted difference between rendered pixels.
<svg xmlns="" width="900" height="600" viewBox="0 0 83328 55552"><path fill="#e30631" d="M0 0h83328v55552H0z"/><path d="M63488 0h19840v55552H63488z"/><path fill="#e17000" d="M73408 0h9920v55552h-9920z"/><path fill="#0f7d3a" d="M0 0h83328v19840H53568v35712H0z"/><g stroke="#0a1a1d" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="90"><path fill="#e17000" d="M68202 13383c132 92 386 191 386 191 241-144 702-78 726-104 38-41 82-110 82-110l-30-494c-84 135-162 203-225 178 157-758-68-1176-631-2166-13 588-21 1108-74 1484 93 283 66 270 89 558-111-49-227-180-329-320 0 0-57 662 6 783zm2181-1405c236 387 444 302 514 453-232 126-520-262-695-295-175 110 516 963 511 1025-9 15-359-28-674-250 13 178 23 310 23 317 0 17 25 92 427 103 327 47 352 484 277 363-76-121-340-201-340-201s-213 11-163 150c415 144 327 495 251 691-75 196-326 190-326 190s182-213 25-294c-346 81-390-311-390-311s-56-127-201 6c138 657-257 714-257 714s-69 185 75 312c-377 5-258-335-302-409-44-12-175-162 13-582-276 426-559 270-559 270s-19 133 38 323c-214-161-220-236-220-524-10-51-14-103-13-150-47 46-101 91-157 121 346 461-63 732-63 732s-37 213 132 351c-314-23-314-294-314-294s-289-121-308-610c32 541-452 …" />
See how this flag displays at different sizes.