🇹🇨Warning: This flag does not yet meet the criteria for this project, and will be redrawn. See the list of incomplete flags.
This colour palette is unique to Turks and Caicos Islands.
Compare the differences between this flag and the source artwork. White indicates similarity, while black shows where the flags differ. When the proportions differ, the flag can be resized and aligned in different ways. The score is computed from the average weighted difference between rendered pixels.
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1200" height="600" viewBox="0 0 9600 4800"><defs><path id="a" d="M840-1000v720C840 200 600 717 0 997-600 717-840 200-840-280v-720z"/></defs><g fill="#012778"><path d="M0 0h9600v4800H0Z"/><path fill="#faf6f5" d="M0 0v268.3L4263.3 2400H4800v-268.3L536.6 0H0zm4800 0v268.3L536.6 2400H0v-268.3L4263.3 0H4800z"/><path fill="#faf6f5" d="M2000 0v2400h800V0h-800zM0 800v800h4800V800H0z"/><path fill="#c40f38" d="M0 960v480h4800V960H0zM2160 0v2400h480V0h-480zM0 2400l1600-800h357.8l-1600 800H0zM0 0l1600 800h-357.8L0 178.9V0zm2842.2 800 1600-800H4800L3200 800h-357.8zM4800 2400l-1600-800h357.7L4800 2221V2400z"/></g><g fill="none" stroke="#0a1a1d" transform="translate(7200 2400)"><use xlink:href="#a" fill="#fcd80e" stroke-width="64"/><use xlink:href="#a" stroke="#faf6f5" stroke-width="56"/><g stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2.2"><path fill="#ffb81c" d="M-303-207c-22 37-59 45-88 33-30-12-57-82-87-120-29-37-37-21-57-43-19-21-49-37-96-59-26-12-53-23-71-69 7-19 26-35 41-41 15-5 27-27 29-46 2-18 18-38 40-53-10 2-31-2-41-9-9-8-24-6-33 1-9 6-20 8-36 6 6-5 17-16 18-26s13-15 36-15c22 0 37-2…" />
See how this flag displays at different sizes.