🇮🇶This colour palette is also used by Afghanistan (Islamic Republic),
Syria and
United Arab Emirates. It is similar to
Western Sahara and
Compare the differences between this flag and the source artwork. White indicates similarity, while black shows where the flags differ. When the proportions differ, the flag can be resized and aligned in different ways. The score is computed from the average weighted difference between rendered pixels.
<svg xmlns="" width="1200" height="720"><path fill="#0a1a1d" d="M0 0h1200v720H0z"/><path fill="#faf6f5" d="M0 480h1200V0H0z"/><path fill="#e30631" d="M0 240h1200V0H0z"/><path fill="#0f7d3a" d="M593 364v44H417c0 9-12 25-33 20 25-12 23-24 8-52 6-2 13-6 18-10-6 19 16 17 33 17 0-7 0-13-5-15 6-2 11-6 17-12v26h122v-18c0-6-8-6-8 0v10c0 2-1 3-3 3h-92v-16l70-68c0 7 6 13 9 15-2 0-5 0-7 2l-56 54h63c0-14 14-14 20-20 6 6 20 6 20 20Zm51 44h-38V293c7 4 12 8 20 10-1 5-5 6-5 9v71c9 2 11-3 15-6 1 11 8 22 8 31Zm82-26v-50l15-12v62h10v-71c4-4 11-8 14-13v110h-89c-1-23-1-46 25-41v-9c0-3-3-1-3-3l18-15v42Zm-4-82c-2 0-7-13-2-13s4 13 2 13Zm-19 12v-3c6 2 14 2 19-4 11 6 14 3 15-3h3c0 11-8 14-17 8-3 4-14 6-20 2Zm113 96h-38V293c6 4 11 8 19 10 0 5-4 6-4 9v71c9 2 11-3 15-6 1 11 8 22 8 31Zm-377 18c-7 0-7-10 0-10s7 10 0 10Zm258-50c-5 0-5 6 0 6s5-6 0-6Z"/></svg>
See how this flag displays at different sizes.