🇬🇺This colour palette is unique to Guam.
Compare the differences between this flag and the source artwork. White indicates similarity, while black shows where the flags differ. When the proportions differ, the flag can be resized and aligned in different ways. The score is computed from the average weighted difference between rendered pixels.
<svg xmlns="" width="1200" height="720"><path fill="#012778" d="M0 0h1200v720H0z"/><path fill="#62c1f2" d="M482 417h236V304L600 166 482 304Z"/><path fill="#2d86cf" d="m600 552 118-135H482Z"/><path fill="#b5915f" d="m584 417 6-12c40 1 100 6 130-6v18Z"/><path fill="#fcd80e" d="M538 482c10-4 28-7 40-7 14 0 31 2 31-1s-20-8-43-13c-18-4-35-6-52-7Zm62 70 103-118c-19 7-34 13-55 17s-48 5-48 9c0 5 41 6 41 16 0 8-26 7-47 11s-33 11-37 16Z"/><path fill="#c40f38" d="M0 720h1200V0H0Zm29-33V33h1142v654Zm571-131c56-38 132-117 132-197s-76-158-132-195c-56 37-132 115-132 195s76 159 132 197Zm0-21c-50-34-116-105-116-176 0-72 66-141 116-174 50 33 116 102 116 174 0 71-66 142-116 176Zm-72-162c5 0 8-2 11-4v-12h-13v4h8v5c-1 1-3 2-6 2-6 0-10-4-10-9 0-6 5-10 10-10 4 0 8 2 10 3v-5c-3-2-6-3-10-3-9 0-15 7-15 15 0 7 6 14 15 14Zm31-11c0 15 23 15 23 0v-17h-5v17c0 8-13 8-13 0v-17h-5Zm51 10h6l3-6h12l3 6h5l-12-27h-4Zm10-10 5-11 5 11Zm38 10h5v-18l9 11 9-11v18h5v-27h-4l-10 13-10-13h-4Z"/><path fill="…" />
See how this flag displays at different sizes.