🇬🇵This colour palette is unique to Guadeloupe.
Compare the differences between this flag and the source artwork. White indicates similarity, while black shows where the flags differ. When the proportions differ, the flag can be resized and aligned in different ways. The score is computed from the average weighted difference between rendered pixels.
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1200" height="720"><path fill="#0a1a1d" d="M0 0h1200v720H0Z"/><path fill="#012778" d="M0 0h1200v240H0Z"/><path fill="#0f7d3a" d="m975 581 3-9c-53-10-138-29-217-53l-3 5c76 23 161 43 217 57Zm-8 16 4-8c-60-14-145-37-215-61l-3 5c68 24 153 48 214 64Zm-11 17 4-8c-62-18-145-45-209-69l-3 5c61 23 141 52 208 72Zm-10 17 5-8c-68-24-146-53-205-77l-3 5c53 23 134 55 203 80Zm-10 16 5-8c-68-28-148-60-200-84l-3 5c51 24 132 60 198 87Zm-12 17 5-8c-62-29-142-67-193-92l-3 5c49 26 128 66 191 95ZM402 383l-17-5h12c1 2 3 3 5 5Zm5 17c-15-7-26-15-28-18h2c7 4 22 10 35 14l-9 4Zm2 17-12-2 4-3c1 1 4 3 8 5Zm-21-5c-4-2-8-4-12-7 2 0 14 4 16 5-2 0-3 1-4 2Zm-30-18-19-13c15 6 24 11 22 13h-3Zm-35-28c-26-27-53-52-82-76-1 2 2 8 10 19 10 14 21 24 42 39 16 10 29 19 30 18Zm47 44c-3-1-7-1-10-1l-18-10c4 0 8 1 12 2l7 3 9 6Zm-32-20c-5 1-14-8-19-6-2-2-10-7-12-9l11-2 5 2c6 7 10 11 15 15Zm-37-19c-2-1-3-2-4-3 3 0 3-1 1-2 4 2 9 3 14 5h-11Zm25 30c-2 0-7-2-16-7l12 2c3 2 5 4 4 5Zm72 101c0 4 2 3 6-5 4-6 10-13 14-16 5.3-3.3 5.7-5 1-5-4 0-10 4-14 10-4 5-7 12-7 16ZM295 385c-4-2-7-4-10-6 3 0 10-1 13-2 2 3 5 5 7 7l-10 1Zm-13-7c-1-1-5-4-7-5 2 0 4-1 6-2s5-…" />
See how this flag displays at different sizes.