Custom Breakpoints
Plug and play


A do-it-all carousel that's simple, flexible and lightweight

Revolver is responsive and you can define custom breakpoints. It responds to touch and can be dragged this way and that. It's set up with sane defaults, but of course, these can be overriden. It fires events when things happen and exposes public methods to put you in control. It also uses hardware acceleration for transitions (if they're available), making it a great choice for mobile or devices with limited performance resources.

Revolver is compatible with jQuery and Zepto, but requires Zepto's data module for compatability.

Give it a shot

Number: Timeout in milliseconds for transition when slide is released

Number: Timeout in milliseconds for transition when pagination is selected

Number/Boolean: Timeout in milliseconds between autplay transitions. Set to falseor0 to disable autoplay.

Default: true

Boolean: Determines whether to return to the first slide at the end of the autoplay loop.

Timeout in milliseconds for the transition when returning to the start of the loop.

Default: true

Boolean: Determines whether to stop playing when the user's mouse is over the revolver. (Ignored for touch devices.)

Array/Boolean: An array containing the text to display in the navigation controls, or falseto disable the navigation.